Emerson Resort is Hitting it Big With Locals and Not-So-Locals

The Emerson Resort has gone from the pompous:

There’s a silk road running through…blah, blah, blah

to: Come one, Come All to Pug Day!

Wow and amen!  Thank you Je-hesus for fixing The Emerson, now I can have dinner while dressed in chinos and a plain black tee shirt.  I can dress my little doggie up in his pink dress and parade him around for all the world to know, that yes, my dog is a transexual and proud of it.

I am just joshing you guys.

My dog Bella is a proud female, who enjoy’s manly romps through the woods, mud, water, hay, more mud and she knows where to find fun.  The fun recently found by Bella, was in my underwear drawer.  Bella snatched all of my once expensive, now worthless, skivvies and chewed holes where there shouldn’t be holes, leaving behind, slobbered remains of cotton, silk, bamboo, and plenty of fur.

The real fun, other than the underwear drawer,  was to be had by young and old, short and tall, fat and skinny, four legged, two legged, standing on one leg, having no legs, red haired, black haired- okay I think you get the picture- it was really really fun on Saturday June 19th at The Emerson Resort’s PUG DAY.

A select few, may feel that the Emerson has lost its haughty ways and are upset that they will not cater anymore to their self-important ways. Well we say pshaw, the very idea!  The Emerson Resort is truly a place where I will spend my money, especially if they keep putting on these great Pug Days, Antique Shows, Art Exhibits, Campfire Nights, and Festival of the Voice Shows.  And, if I get some special treatment, that the Emerson is known to give freely of, I won’t complain.

5 stars to the Emerson Resort and it’s down to earth, friendly, hospitable, and caring staff!

(did I mention that I really like The Emerson Resort and their new changes?)

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